Here's a section of the painting known as Musicians' Hell that Bosch enjoyed putting together (do you see the bunny?)
This guy's having an okay time in Club Hell with his jazz hands.
But not so much this guy, his butt exposed, a demon writing notation with its weirdly dotted tongue across this sufferer's cheeks.
Now we can all listen to this 500-year-old butt song from hell, as featured on Anderson Cooper 360. Enjoy!
Hamrick's review is that it's a "really bad" Gregorian chant. But that didn't dissuade Will Ascenzo from posting his chant version on his Tumblr.
Ascenzo's inspiring lyrics:
Butt song from hell
This is the butt song from hell
We sing from our asses while burning in purgatory
The butt song from hell
The butt song from hell
But hold the phone! We're not done yet because Jim Spalink has posted his version of "Hieronymus Bosch Butt Music" on lute, harp, and hurdy-gurdy. Let's listen:
These butt-music composers are legion, but not to be outdone, guitarist Buckethead has recorded and animated his take on Bosch, "Spokes for the Wheel of Torment." If ever there was a band in hell, this is it.
When your muse is 500 years old, that's old-school.