Oh, I've been so busy this year, drawing and painting and sculpting. Something happened when I turned 50--like an LED bulb went *blink, blink, blink, ON!* and I realized it was time to get back to art. The thing about art is that it's very time-consuming, and therefore the writing has lagged a lot. Sorry!
Not that huge droves of readers were waiting breathlessly for my every thought, but I do feel some obligation to post here at least once in a while. It's just that social media has taken over on that front, in
tiny chunks of words as in: *hit send* and wait for responses to trickle in (if at all--as in life, I'm not exactly super-popular).
I tend to put the art on my
art site here, and/or
Instagram here. But today: Crossover art! Throughout the Brent Kavanaugh hearings and debacle, I comforted myself by doing quick sketches of the disgusting trash people on the
115th Senate Majority Judicial Committe with Sharpie pens on a stack of colored paper. I use these whenever I tweet to any of these guys. In time, other members of this Nation's GOP-majority administration were added. They were quick--some are better likenesses than others, but I didn't care--I just wanted to get their essence.
And here they are--so many of them--and I haven't even finished yet. I'm working on a series of
Emotional Support Animals and that's proved a more satisfying and pleasant endeavor. But I'll be adding more of these monsters, once I can stomach looking at their likenesses for a few moments at a time.
Print and color, or use as snail-mail stationery to write to your Trump-supporting friends, if you have any left. Or paste them around town as political commentary. Or share on social media for and make a visual statement. It's a free Nation and they're copyright-free!
President* Donald J. Trump |
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell |
Former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan |
Son-in-law Jared Kushner |
First Daughter Ivanka Trump |
Senator Lindsey Graham |
Vice-President* Mike Pence |
Senator Orrin Hatch |
White House Press Secretary Sara Huckabee Sanders |
Senator Susan Collins |
Senator Ted Cruz |
Senator Ben Sasse |
Senator Chuck Grassley |
Eric and Don Jr. Trump |
Former Senator Jeff Flake |
Senator Joe Manchin |
Senator John Cornyn |
Senator Joni Ernst |
Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen |