Sunday, February 25, 2007

Conceptual Tor

Tor Johnson. No reason, just...Tor Johnson.
Tor Johnson

Bush/Cheney Supporter Tor.

Warhol Tor.

Tor in Blue Wig.


  1. Your political commentary is acid. It rots away at the very marrow of society.

    I think I have that wig.

  2. It' Britney Spears' wig, colorized. I'm not commenting on Britney's recent spate of troubles--I wish her all the best--bon recovery Britney! It's just that she's in the media CONSTANTLY and well...that's her wig.

  3. Like I said, I think it's my wig.

    Now everybody leave me alone and get those damn cameras out of my face. (In and out of rehab six times today).

  4. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Nice sequence Lisa, the political and transgendered "Plan 9 from outer space," naturally you had to go to the wig, not only because of your feminist view but the Swedish born actor did actually have a full head of blond hair, and in the tradition of Ed Wood a very appropriate B rated blog entry, very similar to George Bush's Idea to go to Iran (uncanny of you, that's an extra 3 points).
