Monday, May 26, 2008

Lafayette Hillside Memorial - 2008

Lafayette Hillside MemorialLafayette is a little well-to-do California suburb, about a 12-minute drive from Berkeley. It's in Contra Costa County--not the most politically liberal area of the Bay Area. Yet in 2003, a small group of anti-war activists began putting up crosses on a privately owned hill, above Highway 24--the main route to Berkeley, Oakland and San Francisco. When you drive past the BART station, look up, and there it is--over 4,000 crosses, commemorating U.S. military casualties, plus a sign with the weekly death total. As of today, 4082 U.S. deaths. Estimated Iraqi deaths: 84,050 to 91,713. There aren't enough foothills in Lafayette for that scope of memorial.

If you're voting in this year's presidential election, please vote for the person who's against this war. Obvious, but in this case, I can't help stating the obvious.

- Short documentary of Lafayette Hillside Memorial on Memorial Day, 2007.
- The Crosses of Lafayette blog.
- Panoramic photo from Wikipedia.

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