Thursday, February 12, 2009

Classic Performance Art on David Letterman

Andy Kaufman (swearing) and Jerry Lawler, 1982

Crispin Glover, 1987

Joaquin Phoenix...?

As seen on Gawker.


  1. Joaquin Phoenix was higher than the Hindenburg.

  2. But that's what they said about Crispin Glover and it turns out it was all an act. Plus Joaquin's brother-in-law has been filming him and his new "rap career" as a documentary for a few months now. It's all very peculiar...

  3. The answer:

    Celebrities forget how little we truly care about them, hence this was probably a failure. Glover's worked because he always comes off a little unhinged, in an entertaining kind of way. Kaufman had a career history of embodying different types of people. Phoenix was a distant, anti-celebrity celebrity, so we are confused, maybe saddened by his "demise," but ultimately he remains mysterious and removed, so we don't care that much. But look at me, all analytical about it--perhaps this was more successful than I realize...
