Thursday, March 05, 2009

Easter is Coming! Hippity-Hop to the Dollar Tree

As if. I took these photos two weeks ago when it was still February. I guess you can never be prepared enough for the resurrection of Christ. I admit, I bought some dye and plastic eggs that look like baseballs (Easter and sports can mix). My kid really loves coloring eggs and plotting egg hunts around the CWW grounds. It doesn't have to be religious, OK? Sometimes a purple egg is simply a purple egg. And I do appreciate a good jelly bean.

What can you get for your dollar at Dollar Tree? Let's check in, shall we? In the order of most spiritual, to least.

Nothing says "religious fervor" like "Hear My Prayer" chocolate praying hands. Will you bite off the wrist or the fingers first? Will you feel like a cannibal with a sweet-tooth? Lord knows...chocolate praying hands candy

Hey, Christ is arisen! Here's a chocolate cross to celebrate. Comes in white chocolate too. White chocolate is not chocolate by a long shot. It should be called something entirely new, like "hardened vanillan." A hardened vanillan crucifix! Why...thank you.chocolate crucifex

He is risen! It says so, right on this egg. Fill with your favorite jelly bean-flavors and ponder the gift of eternal life as represented by South-Park Jesus here.South Park Jesus egg

Let's check out the entire display of Inspiration Eggs. This would make a great door-prize at your next gathering, provided your guests were either very Christian, or ironically not very Christian at all. Either way, greatness for one dollar.Inspiration Eggs

What have we here? Sweet Quenchers Powder Candy, in carrot form. My brain's going in all different directions with this one. Is it a quencher, a candy, a powder, a vegetable, a container, or all five at once? Ka-boom! (my thought processes just blew.)Sweet Quenchers

QUAX, the yummy ducky. Say it ten times, fast. Isn't that fun? Hollow milk flavored. Dollar Tree is so completely on acid this month.QUAX the yummy ducky

You can never have enough Marshmallow Peeps®. According to the Peeps Web site, there's now new chocolate-mousse flavored marshmallow bunnies. Ka-BOOM! (There goes my brain again.)Marshmallow Peeps at Dollar Tree

Dollar Tree is the official store of recession busters everywhere.


  1. OK FREAKY very very Freaky, my friend had a little bday party satursay night and me and her girlfriend went to the dollar store to get lets say door prizes? right? silly stuff, and we totally picked up those praying chocolat hands and the cross made of chocolate. OMG! can you believe it? We also got a pregnancy test, bling teeth, and a pretty cool foam gun that shoots laser noises and of course Peeps. Which we tried and, they are very gross. I think it would be very bad if we lived near eachother. We would have too much fun and our children and men would become much lonesome. Me and Christina could of been there all day, the Dollar store RULES DUDE!

  2. Well, I'm sure you tried the Peeps experiment: put them, still sealed, in your microwave and set for a couple of minutes--like a Godzilla movie (but safely encased.)

    I'm always a satisfied customer at Dollar Tree and I too appreciate the home pregnancy tests available at the register in the "impulse buys" section, right next to the generic antacid tablets and toothbrushes.

  3. do you know about the toothpick and the peeps? where when one mels it slowly stabs the other?

  4. Is it any wonder Peeps are so beloved?

  5. i really need to proof read more, terrible spelling!
