Monday, December 10, 2012

"Mr. Christmas" trailer, Concord, California

There's a new 15-minute documentary on Bruce Mertz—Concord, California's Mr. Christmas. Every year for decades, Mertz has designed an electrical Christmas wonderland at his home on Olive Drive. Concord happens to be my home town and I admit, I've never seen Mr. Mertz' creative output before. Now that he's in a movie, I better high-tail it over there before he's swamped with paparazzi.

You can buy the film on director Nick Palmer's Mr. Christmas site, or go directly to the Mertz household at 5208 Olive Drive to purchase the movie. At ten bucks a DVD, I say: excellent stocking stuffer! This is the inspiration I need to hang our four strands of lights across the garage and entryway. It won't compare to the 50,000+ lights at the Mertz household, but I'm just doing my part. Every bit helps in the War on Christmas.

Update: Mr. Christmas is now on Vimeo as a staff pick. Sweet movie. 

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