My friend Sherry is a photo-journalist for the Contra Costa Times. She works for the AP sometimes too, like if some humpbacked whales happen to get lost in the Sacramento River (she's the one to call). She's got a big heart and I think it comes through in her portraits. There's connection there for sure. Sherry helped me move by coming over to our chaotic house a bunch of times and playing with bummed-out Jackson, bringing a truck-load of moving boxes (actual wardrobe boxes--she asked a guy on a moving truck if she could have them and he said, "sure!"), and adopting all my houseplants so I wouldn't have to throw them away. PLUS she made me laugh, and has done so for more than 20 years. Sher, you rock.

Sherry's caption: From a parade I shot in east county a while back in seering heat--hence the angels have water bottles.

My caption: When I see this photo, I miss the bay area. Guess I'll have to visit soon.

Sherry: I shot this at a senior center in Rodeo. It was totally fun because the people playing are so cool.

Sherry: From the beach in Alameda--looks like a bat.
Me again: This photo makes me officially sad now that a tanker has crashed into the Bay Bridge, spilling
58,000 gallons of oil into the bay. Beaches are closed,
wildlife must be rescued. It's really depressing. Navigators of container ships: could you PLEASE not crash into large structures on your way to the Oakland Port? Is it too much to ask?
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