Monday, October 09, 2017

Get Ready for Impeachment (postcard to download and send)

Hi, everyone. A message to our majority-House GOP: It's beyond time to impeach our horrible so-called president—the corrupt, inept, insulting, racist, misogynist, conman and sexual predator Donald J. Trump. It's not just an opinion, it's a point of law.

Here's a postcard listing a few of his impeachable offenses. I feel confident that special counsel Robert Mueller and his crack investigative team has compiled a more detailed list, which seems to be growing daily. Find your House Rep HERE.

Feel free to *right-click save-image-as...* to share across social media, especially with your elected Representatives (all of whom have twitter and Facebook pages). Or be extra-active and send to all the Republican Reps. Consider it a public-relations move that affects the entire nation:

If you're feeling ambitious and snail-maily, here's a four-up version to print, trim and send by U.S. Post. Everyone loves getting mail—think how rewarding it must be to hear from constituents from ACROSS OUR FAIR LAND. Thank you, fellow Americans for looking out for public health, safety and sanity.

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