Friday, July 30, 2010

Artwork-a-day - Reality TV Haiku

I've watched too much reality TV this week and it's affected me. Inspired me. Poetically. Haiku is the perfect art form for when you're tired, run-down, taking nature walks and watching reality TV. It fits all this criteria and more.

No one should win
HGTV's Design Star
Because they all suck

Bravo's Work of Art
Artists are in it to win it
Goya would be proud

I'm sorry to say
Jersey Shore is back, bitches
Situation: dire

On Project Runway
judges deliver harsh news
with vim and vigor

The Real Housewives of ________
Giving housewives a bad name
wealthy yet bankrupt

On The Road With Aus-
tin & Santino

America needs dresses
Lifetime needs filler

Say Yes To The Dress
For six grand you really need
to insist on sleeves

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