We met my friend Joseph in Golden Gate Park for a paddle-boat ride on Stowe Lake this weekend. Just a normal, friendly, family outing, right? WRONG. Because before we could even load up the boat with overly salted popcorn and moldy-smelling life-jackets, Joseph spotted this duck, doing some paddling of his own among the regular duck folk. Leaving me to ponder, was this duck tripping? Or were the other ducks tripping when they gazed upon it? Were we ALL tripping? Are we tripping RIGHT NOW?

Some official-looking volunteers walked by us on the path, carrying rakes and garbage bags. We asked about this duck. They said they'd never seen it before. They had no idea what this duck stood for, or if it was just a duck for duck's sake. I always think people walking through parks, carrying large garden tools, know everything about the park, but Stowe Lake proved to be too mysterious for them and for us.
It's not the first time either...
In GG Park, they have a bunch of duck hybrids. This fella is a cross of a wood duck and something else. Wood Ducks are really pretty!
Thanks, Tuckers. You're absolutely right--it's a wood duck hybrid. All those nature documentaries have expanded your world knowledge (and your mind). Here's a slightly shorter URL to experience the beauty of the wood duck.
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