And now: Adventure Time animated gifs.
Finn doing his "I'm a buff baby" song and dance.
There's lots of dancing on Adventure Time. Especially when Jake the magically stretchy dog and his video game playing unit, Beemo, get going.
A dancing bug.
A group shot featuring Lumpy Space Princess (LSP) and Cinnamon Bun. LSP is voiced by Adventure Time creator Pen Ward in a guttural valley-girl accent and she is probably the brattiest, most selfish teen in the history of television. Yes, even worse than Julie of Friday Night Lights. Actually, she's kind of like Julie if Julie had a guttural valley-girl accent.
There's also a lot of excitement in this show. Look at the excitement.
It's hard to pick, but I think my favorite character is Jake. Being magical and mellow, he's rarely upset by the peculiar goings-on in the Land of Ooo. But occasionally even Jake gets overwhelmed.
But not for long.
Princess Bubblegum rules the Candy Kingdom and she's made of gum. She's a force of good but her scientific experiments have led to...problems, like zombiefication and mind-reading would-be totalitarian creatures.
Everyone's favorite 1000-year-old vampire queen, Marceline.
Finn is a 13-year-old boy who lives for heroic adventures. And sparkles.
Finn explains the general rule of thumb when dealing with the Candy Kingdom citizens.
A clip entitled Stomachs are Weird. They sure are.
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