Thursday, September 13, 2012

Dance GIFS Are Especially Animated

Dance GIF Thursday—I just made that up. It's not a constant thing. It's just for today. But Dance GIF Thursday will always live on in our hearts, minds, and nervous systems. Now here are some hand-picked dance GIFs for you and yours.

Start us off, Hugh Jackman, ultimate song and dance man.


What if the dance scene from Pulp Fiction had a 90s-rave mashup feel to it? This answers the question that no one thought to ask.


This day-glo dinosaur needs to dance. Who would stand in its way?


Pete Campbell does a wicked little dance of selfish glee. Always loathsome yet pitiful, and sometimes delightfully so on Mad Men.


Why mow the lawn when you can dance-mow the lawn instead?


Advertising blow-up man interpretive dance. We love you, modern age.


Bill Haverchuck doin' his thing in Freaks and Geeks.


Racoons—they only dance at night.


Go, Ava Gardner, go!


Paul Rudd always makes a grand dance entrance.


Eddie Izzard and Craig Ferguson GET DOWN.


And into the fairy dawn...


As is usually is the case with animated GIFs, it's hard to give credit where credit's due. If you made any of these—way to be! Send me a line and I'll give you a credit.

1 comment:

Soup and Song said...

I love this! As you know, I'm already in love with the Freaks & Geeks dance, but now, I'm going to bookmark this entry for sure to reference any time I need to perk up a bit. Which is most of the time. Thanks, Miss Lisa!!