I went to high school with Audrey long ago in the wilds of Concord, California. She's now living and working in Amsterdam, teaching mixed media and sculpture and co-chairing her department at an academy of fine art and design. Thank you for letting us take this enjoyable look at your walls, Audrey! (All captions are her own.)
My mom as a young girl. I swiped it from her. For whatever reason it was already cut out like that and I ended up putting it in a little vintage frame with colored paper.

My dad during the mad men era. It's been taken on 11th Avenue in San Francisco where my grandparents used to have a laundry. I put it in the vintage frame (I collect them from thrift stores).

Grammar rules both in English & Dutch.

I scored this bulletin board at the thrift store for 1 euro. I consider it a painting and it hangs above my sofa.

Another thrift store find. Hangs in my kitchen!

My own art. A linen 'painting' where I cut a hole in the linen and repaired it.

Thrift store again. 'Pien' has immortalized her cats, Grommetje, Hars & Japie in intaglio prints.

Close up of Japie.

I ordered this from etsy. It's a crocheted mickey mouse purse for a little girl but I consider it art.

My own art again. An art multiple which I made with all kinds of synthetic sponges which I call 'Blind Spot.' I have a bunch of these hung up on my 'office' wall.

From the equivalent to the dollar store, fill in the colors yourself canvas.

Little memo pad purchased from one of those junky asian variety stores on Clement Street.

Picture of grandma in the late 80's taken with one of those novelty plastic cameras with a little wheel in the lens to make 4 photos in one frame.

Vintage googly eye postcard with the eyeballs missing.

Found art.

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