Can I be the first to proclaim 2006 as the year of the vagina? The year the vagina made itself known in all its once-hidden glory? Don't be squeamish. Vaginas have been around a long, long time. If they're finally getting a day in the sun, I say, "Welcome--welcome internal genitalia and birth canal."
Back in 2004, Richard Avedon clicked a shot of Chan Marhsall's (a.k.a. Cat Power) pubic area peeking out of her jeans. The snowball trend started barreling down our consciousness hill and we're now in full-on vagina mode.
From Madonna's disco-enriched camel toe, to the Hollywood "It" girl crotch-shot trio (Paris, Lindsay, Britney), the vagina is making itself known, loud and clear. And if you're a bit modest and you don't want to acknowledge the new out-and-about photo op--too bad! The vagina is here to stay!
Remember how shocking Sharon Stone's "accidental" up-the-dress scene was in Basic Instinct? As the cigarrette ad once proclaimed, "You've come a long way baby!"
What will 2007 bring? I say, bring on the penis.
I say AMEN to the penis!
I think the whole Brittney Vag thing is just a publicity stunt. After all the girl has just realeased a new fragrance for Christmass. I heard it's called MINGE.
Coincidence? I think not!
Also, was it this year or last years episode of South Park, when Oprah's vagina goes on a crime spree?
It's voice was that of Crocodile Dundee. Hence it is referred to as her Minge the entire episode (an Australian term for vagina I believe).
The scene where it wields a gun and holds people hostage is pretty classic material I think.
For an anatomical tour of the Minge, Wikipedia does not dissapoint.
Many years ago, the almost-forgotten group, Bong Water, put out an insane, black & white animated video called "The Power of Pussy"--really graphic and funny at the same time, using Imagery borrowed from "King Kong." I can't find any of their stuff on You Tube but if I had the technology, I'd load up my bootleg copy for all to see. Otherwise, you'll just have to come to my house to watch the primitive video.
But, I of course have a copy. You want the cover art?
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