It's been hotter than a firecracker shot from a two-dollar pistol into the ass of a fox in a forest fire this week. Muggy, hazy, blast-furnace breezes, making our bedrooms bakery ovens for the past few nights. Luckilly, Keith found his vintage "Hope is on the way" Kerry/Edwards fan from our last fun-filled presidential election. We've been taking turns fanning ourselves with it, inwardly thanking the People of Faith for their practical political signage.

The reverse side claims that "Help is on the way." I hate when organizations can't streamline their branding messages.
Now if only I could figure out where I last packed my useless political button collection, featuring Jesse Jackson for President, Mondale/Ferraro in '84, and McGovern/Shriver in '72. I wonder what would happen if I wore them all at once and walked out in public. It's something to ponder.
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