On Saturday we headed to one of our local parks which happens to be in front of the East Precinct of the Vancouver Police Department. Perhaps it's the safest city park in the U.S., I haven't read any studies on it. Anyway, like many of Vancouver's parks, it's really nice. Hats off to the Parks & Rec Department. We shot some hoops (Jackson practices every day at school and it shows) and then the sky did something awesome: it burned like fire but only visually.
It was such a jaw-dropping sunset that I almost felt I was showing off, just standing there watching it. Like, hey, look at me! I'm watching the world's most intense sunset, right here above the police station! Whoo--I'm so great!
Nature's bounty and basketball--that's value for your dollar. These are from my camera-phone, which could never capture all the intense fieriness, but it did a decent job for having a lens the size of a small nail-head.

If you're a resident of Vancouver, WA (district 4), the East Precinct will be hosting a community forum tomorrow, Tues., Dec. 8, at the Firstenburg Community Center from 7-8 p.m.
thad povey just spent a week up in Portland learning how to make a guitar. got back and says we need to live there.
and THIS!
Santa Claus, super shaman
always loved this.
Yes, almost everyone I know (including my parents) needs to come live in and around Portland. But unfortunately, the job market: not good. And Portlanders don't need the population increase. But come anyway! It's fun, beautiful and peaceful.
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