My friend Francis teaches at Creativity Explored, an art center for adults with disabilities. This is their collaborative effort, made for the 2005 art exhibit, "Revenge of Monster."
A mad scientist kidnaps a young lady with the goal making her into a monster to join his collection of famous creatures, including Wolfman, Frankenstein's Monster, and others. Screenplay by Gordon Shepard (who also stars).
Have an excellent Halloween.
Friday, October 31, 2008
"Horror Castle" by Francis Kohler and Creativity Explored
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
"Galaxy Quest" 1999
This film is so sweet at heart that even though critics loved it and initial audiences enjoyed it, it might have left some comedy fans stunned and unsure how to handle its themes of kindness, camaraderie and honesty triumphing over all. Cynics might have been thinking as the house lights came up, "Whu-? I actually ended up LIKING Tim Allen as the egomaniacal Captain Kirk figure?" Yes, and let me tell you something, Tim Allen does a great job starring in this film. There, I wrote it. Well, he does. He makes a very credible arrogant, megalomaniac hero.
But don't disregard Galaxy Quest because of its family-friendliness and big hearted humanity. See it for the clever concept: a bunch of washed-up actors from the long-cancelled but beloved sci-fi television show, Galaxy Quest, are recruited by actual aliens who need their help, warding off evil crab-like intergalactic space thugs. The aliens (Thermians) have seen every episode of the series and mistaking it for a documentary, have modeled their entire society and technological know-how after the show. Hilarity really does ensue.
No? OK, see it for this man and this man only:

Still not convinced? Then see it for Sam Rockwell, a paranoid extra from the original TV series (Crew Member #6) who was killed off before the first commercial and is terrified of it happening for real once they get into space. Simply known as "Guy" to emphasize his expendable status.

And now, with plenty of visual spoilers (sorry about that), we present:

OK, one more Dwight.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Trees as Creatures from "Your Daily Tree"

Monday, October 27, 2008
California: Support Civil Rights - Vote No on Prop. 8
There is no reason on Earth to add these discriminatory words to the State Constitution. There is no proof that gay marriage leads to anything other than equal rights for all State citizens. And with the divorce rate at 50% among straights, who are we to say what works in a marriage anyway? Churches and out-of-state religious groups have spent millions to convince California voters otherwise.
Here's 88-year-old Molly Pier's take on it. I'm with Molly.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
All-Around-The-World Girls Tour Portland
U.S. (originally from East Hollywood) - Sam Phillips, Little Plastic Life - Doug Fir Lounge, Oct. 28. Sam Phillips has a nice write-up on her myspace page. She was the composer for "Gilmore Girls" during its run--a beloved TV show that combined screwball comedy with family melodrama. She has an album out now called "Don't Do Anything."
FRANCE - Yelle, A Cause Des Garcons - Berbati's Pan, Oct. 29.
SWEDEN - Lykke Li, Little Bit - Doug Fir Lounge, Oct. 30. Bringing the bun back to women's hair.
Little Bit
AUSTRALIA - Missy Higgins, Where I Stood - Crystal Ballroom, Nov. 5.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Get Your War On
Devo - Beautiful World
Back in the 80s it seemed that all of the U.S. not only voted for Reagan, but also loved and revered the man. If you were not part of this contingent, you most likely felt very angry, isolated and ineffectual. This led to irony. Enjoy.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
I Love Opie
Here's Keith and I holding up our mail-in ballots. Two for Obama! The bags under our eyes represent the stress this campaign (and the Federal government of the past eight years) has put on our psyches. Won't you please vote for the positive, intelligent, thoughtful choice? And no, he's definitely NOT a socialist. Come on, McCarthyism is SO last century!

Video source: Funny or Die.
Poster source: Barack Obama site (this one's sold out, but there's others for your political art gallery).
Berkeley Big People Sculpture Proclaimed, "Great big FAIL"
Here it is: "Berkeley Big People" by Scott Donahue, at the pedestrian bridge at the Berkeley Marina.
Translation: East Bay piece of shit. Did I get 'political correctness' in there? (checking). Yes. Good.
Here's the close-up. My first thought: Cripes, that is a piece of shit. But what do I know?
Translation: It's a fucking crap little statue! And a shitty one at that!
(So far Kenneth Baker and I are on the same page--CWW.)
Baker compares "Berkeley Big People" to two other recent art works that he likes better. Claes Oldenburg's and Coosje van Bruggen's "Cupid's Span" (below), and Richard Serra's "Ballast" (last shot).
Translation: Why couldn't SF get "Clothespin?" Why must we get the left-overs after artists drop their best work back East? Why do I toil away on the West Coast anyway, where no one takes me seriously? I could be reviewing "Clothespin" for New York Magazine, but no, I have to come up with some kind of bullshit about pinning my heart here with a giant bow and arrow with some kind of colonizer reference to show I "get it." Like I fucking care!
(Personally, I think this looks like something from the children's department at IKEA, but I withhold all judgment until seeing it in person--something I've learned about giant art over the years - CWW.)
This simple phenomenology of "Ballast" has much to show us about the condition of vision that no representational sculpture could reveal. It concerns the embodied nature of vision, which eludes representation - even in the hands of a master such as Cézanne - and which only a viewer's direct engagement can clarify.
Translation: Hmmm, wonder what's for lunch today? Maybe that new Asian fusion place on Bryant. I don't know...I just had Chilean Sea Bass last night. Maybe a brick-fired Mediterranean pizza with cornmeal crust. Mmmmm, yummy...
Baker goes on for a bit more but he lost me at "deconstruct." The word "deconstruct" should be shot and thrown into a ditch as far as I'm concerned. If you are using that in your writing about art, stop. Stop right now. Find another word, then go forth. Baker's word-fun also includes "remnant of vanquished hopes for a future of thrillingly progressive evolution in taste and thinking," and "artistic obsolescence." Whoo! Now go get that lunch, Mr. Baker; you've EARNED it.
Source: SFGate
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
La Danse des Squelettes
La dance des Squelletes
Les Squelettes from "Téléfrancais!"
Silly Symphony - "The Skeleton Dance," 1929
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
"Mama Voted for Obama!" - Literature for the Littlest Democrats

Sunday, October 19, 2008
The Curse of the Comic-Strip Mom Hair

I won't hold my breath. Sally's tween-age daughter Hillary only recently took the bows out of her strangely placed pony-tails. No wonder she only has one friend in middle school.

To be fair, all the McPhersons have bad hair, in keeping with the Simpsons comedy stylings of looking bad, being funny.

I think I'll stop here. Thank you and good night.

Saturday, October 18, 2008
Levi Stubbs (1936 - 2008)
A couple days later, Keith looked up from the computer and said, "Oh man, Levi Stubbs died."
"Who's that?" I asked (stupidly).
"Levi Stubbs--The Four Tops--I'll Be There...?" Keith is my go-to guy for all the facts, all the time.
"Oh my gosh," I said. I just thought of that song in the parking lot of Trader Joe's a couple of days ago. It just started playing in my head and I was admiring his singing, which I've never fully appreciated before."
So who knows how music connects us, sometimes in mysterious ways? Thanks for wonderful music, Four Tops.
I'll Turn to Stone - They're having a blast. Great clip.
I Can't Help Myself (Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch)
Reach Out I'll Be There
Billy Bragg - Levi Stubbs' Tears
Friday, October 17, 2008
Sweet Tired Cat - 7 million+ hits can't be wrong.
Kitten and His Box - With alternative rock soundtrack (Sister Jack by Spoon).
Let me eat some corn! - The original, in case you're concerned about that sort of thing.
Chirping Winston - Rich's cat is a superstar. See why here.
I'm allergic to cats but it's difficult to escape their furry allure. Except for the scratchies, bities and vet bills, they're the perfect companions for Winter shut-ins like us.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
It Came From Economically Depressed Outer Space
With that in mind, here's some classic sci-fi trailers. Study the aliens, monsters and spacemen closely. There's nothing here that you couldn't create with a few odds and ends from the back of your closet, Wal-Mart, and that collection of cardboard in the garage. Stock up on some duct tape and bathing caps and you'll be set for any costume party, trick-or-treat scenario, or film shoot. Have a blast. We only get one go-around in life. Spend some of your time on Earth as a Mysterian.
This Island Earth - 2 1/2 Years In The Making!
The Mysterians - Love-hungry spacemen come to seize our woman, that their dying race may live!
KRONOS - A Metallic Vampire, Stalking The Earth!
Journey to the Seventh Planet - Starring John Agar and Greta Thyssen. And some poor guy yelling (I think), "Augh! AAAAAUUUUGHHHHH!!!"
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Rose Royce - "Car Wash" 1977
We had a little dance party in the living room and Jackson dug it. What child wouldn't like a dance song about a car wash? I ask you.
- The original 1976 trailer for "Car Wash." (The excellent B-movie.)
- A funny remixed trailer from TCM.
Dead Meadow - A Retroactive Appreciation
A DC trio for over ten years, now relocated to L.A., Dead Meadow is a psychedelic, trippy, way-out, jamming aural event. Shades of early Pink Floyd (just after Syd left the building), sludgy Black Sabbath-like rhythms, and Zeppelin-inspired riffs. And don't forget Brian Jonestown Massacre--they're in there too. Their live shows will supposedly make your mind go KABLOOEY. What's not to like? Plus guitarist and singer Jason Simon is the son of David Simon, creator of "The Wire." That's a pretty robust talent gene running in the family.
Wyncko has set Dead Meadow songs to some awesomely bad movies. What better way to showcase retro-psychedelia?
I'm Gone - "Matango: Attack of the Mushroom People"
Seven Seers - "Atragon"
Greensky Greenlake with paintings by Jacques de Beaufort
Straight to video:
At Her Open Door
Everything's Going On - live at Little Radio Warehouse, 2007
- Official site.
- On the Matador site.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Bargain Halloween at Dollar Tree
I almost gave in and bought a costume for him at a (very crowded) party store. I thought for $19.99 (clearance), an all vinyl firefighter costume might do. And I wouldn't have to make anything this year. But in the end, I could not bring myself to do it. If I knew he'd play with it a lot, I would, but he's not much of a fantasy role-playing kind of guy. OK, that's not true. He still pretends to be a garbage truck, but he's never pretended to be an actual other person. And there's lots of good firefighter ideas at, which is where I learned how to make his last two garbage truck costumes. Now I am a pro at making a small boy look like a garbage truck. So why can't I find a decent-paying job!? That is another post all together.
Here's some Dollar Tree Halloween cheapness for the bargain shopper. Don't let the financial times get you down. There's always going to be plenty of crap available for, yes, a dollar.
Plump & Ripe! Any child would love to receive some Zit Poppers in their treat bag. Good practice for adolescence.
Bat Organs With Bat Brains! Do bat brains look like this? I've never dissected a bat. These kind of look like wee bitty people brains. I'll take their word for it.
Lovely snow globes will lend an atmosphere of Gothic beauty to your desktop or fireplace mantel.
Speaking of Gothic...this collection is a screaming good deal. Our neighbors hung a bunch of these from the trees in their front yard. Festive!
FOUR funny-teeth for a dollar! Count 'em, FOUR!
Hey, hold up, why am I showing you a bunch of cuddly stuffed animals? Because after you raid the Goodwill and a bunch of garage sales for your "stuffed animal guy" costume, you can fill in any open spaces with these dollar-deals. My friend Gabrielle ran into "stuffed animal man" in the Castro one year. He was a guy covered from head to toe with, that's right, stuffed animals. Naturally, Gabrielle ran to him and gave him a big hug, whereupon he growled, "DON'T TOUCH ME!"
Hey, stuffed animal man, if you don't want to be snuggled, then next time go as "barbed-wire man."